TRACK REVIEW: Studio Preview of Kyau & Albert’s ‘Lover In The Dark’‏


With Kyau & Albert‘s show still fresh in my mind from BETA Waterloo, it was a welcome surprise to have their new single Lover In The Dark appear in my inbox.

The new single so far is only a studio preview, but don’t be fooled by this seemingly minuscule minute and half teaser. The preview captures the signature Kyau & Albert vocals paired perfectly with what sounds like a synthetic harp. The build gives way to a very bright release of energy composing the core of the track.

The preview certainly makes Kyau & Albert fans crave for more, the track seems to be very melodic and progressive overall sticking to the classic Kyau & Albert production formula.

It is also very intriguing to see the German duo’s workstation in the preview. I cannot begin to imagine how many ideas have passed through the circuits of the Kyau & Albert studio. The teaser also shows the mysterious Kyau & Albert vocalist behind the tracks, perhaps someday K&A will let us find out more!

Cover photo of this post was from the BETA Waterloo Kyau & Albert show, you can find the rest of the pictures taken that night here!


Kyau & Albert



Edmund Wong – EDM TOR


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Edmund has been an electronic music fan since his childhood. He is first and foremost a music lover and has been especially influenced by trance. The Toronto music scene has become a big part of his life, and now he gives back through his writing. Never could he have imagined the power dance music would have on him. You can find him wherever the hottest show in town is on any given night, ready to dance the night away with you.

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