ALBUM REVIEW: Stoneface & Terminal 10 Years


Recovering time capsules can be an exciting experience, discovering treasure troves of the past. Sadly a lot of time capsules are subjected to the elements and vanish with time itself. Stoneface & Terminal’s “10 Years” is one of these rare musical artifacts that has properly been reintroduced in the modern day world. Not even the test of time can lock away the classic Stoneface & Terminal tracks that make up the album released under Euphonic Records.

Stoneface & Terminal’s “10 Years” is a mix compilation from tracks of the last decade from the renown DJ/Producer duo Henry and Matthi. Having recently interviewed these legendary artists, better known as Stoneface & Terminal, I was overcome with an incredible sense of joy when I was offered the album for review. You would have to be a straight top 40 fan to pass this one up, so I promptly claimed the album.


Upon receiving the album, I was presented with a simple and to the point album sleeve with the cover art on the front and track list on the back. Every copy purchased on the Euphonic Records site is signed by Henry and Matthi themselves. Rolling out the CD from the sleeve I found a blank Verbatim CD-R disc with a label stuck to it telling me it was the Stoneface & Terminal 10 Years album.

The image of the CD itself left more to be desired. What was on the disc itself spoke higher volumes to me. The journey starts with Pictures the Net Son Remix, a very good melodic progressive start to the mix compilation to warm up for what was to come next. Track three, Sonus the extended version kicked up the mix with the signature Stoneface & Terminal electro driven synth leads.

Track five, the original mix from 2012 Here Comes The Sun, was a welcome sound. The breakdown captures incredible amounts of energy, and with the synthetic voice over coupled with the release it blows you away with huge sense of euphoria. During the interview with Stoneface & Terminal, I asked what tracks on the album speak to you the most? Henry responded with Here Comes the Sun, stating that this track “is quite different and it puts everyone in a good mood”. A very accurate description for one of my favorite S&T tracks.

The first rework offered in the album comes soon after, titled Volcano 2015 Rework. The track has numerous darker elements including a rolling bassline and heavy stabs on the synths. The track is a nice progression, pulling you deeper into the mix. Matthi explained during the interview that Volcano is one of the tracks that speaks to him the most as “It’s a powerful track and you feel the S&T energy”.

Following Volcano is the only vocal track on the album to feature a female vocalist: For You with Ellie Lawson. The light vocals in combination with the progressive build is a great treat leading into the second half of the album. The sound of the track is very Euphonic Records-esque with a progression that just seems to climb higher and higher!

Leading into the final quarter of the album, the mix shifts into harder driving sounds. A lot of the last quarter tracks contain heavier tech-trance elements which reintroduce that great classic sound to us all. Track twelve might by my absolute favorite in the mix; the way it enters with so much groove, it’s hard to sit still and collect yourself. Venus the 2015 Rework bedazzles my senses with its incredible breakdown and reintroduction of the groovy bassline at the release. The track just has a bounce that would keep you going even in the earliest hours of the morning.

The mix winds down (or tries to at least) with the the epic 2015 Rework of Super Nature. The very clean distortion on the guitar during the breakdown is an effective touch, creating a very big sounding track. When the kick comes back in with the high hats after the breakdown it is such an incredible uplifting feeling for the final moments of the album.

Collecting my thoughts for Stoneface & Terminal “10 Years”, I am more than pleased with the content that S&T have on this mix compilation. The amount of thought put into this album from Henry and Matthi is apparent from the transparent mixing and incredible track selection. On that note, I wish them many more years of success in their DJ/Producer careers. I am hoping to hear another compilation after the next decade!

“10 years” can be purchased on iTunes!


Stoneface & Terminal

Euphonic Records

Edmund Wong – EDM TOR


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Edmund has been an electronic music fan since his childhood. He is first and foremost a music lover and has been especially influenced by trance. The Toronto music scene has become a big part of his life, and now he gives back through his writing. Never could he have imagined the power dance music would have on him. You can find him wherever the hottest show in town is on any given night, ready to dance the night away with you.

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